Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Vote in the Nokia Community awards, pick your Nokia Community Ambassador, Nokia Play 360 and trip to Finland to be won

Nokia Connects have a little competition going on where you can vote in the Nokia Community Awards, across many categories such as most exciting phone, best new app, and best video. There’s also a section there where you can vote for your Nokia Community Ambassador – your most inspirational member of the Nokia community.
Just by casting a vote, an amazing Nokia Play 360 speaker will be given away. The ‘second’ prize is a 48 hour trip to Finland to see Nokia House in Espoo. They’ll be presented with their official award, as well as having a bunch of Nokia activities crammed into the experience.
Here’s a link to the awards voting section:
Go vote for your chance to Win a play 360 and nominate who ever you think is your Nokia Community Ambassador.   There’s tons to choose from. THE Rafe Blandford. The Litchfield. Michael F (AU) or Michael H (AUT), Ali, Dhruv B, Nitish, CJ, Neil, Jade, Richard D, Mark G, Cambo, Axel, Micky, Orlando, viipottaja, mrprince, Juuso K, Jan Ole, Bharad, Dani, Mike etc ;) and many more (mostly just a reel from my twitter feed, but there’s so many more folks. Feel free to add/vote anyone we’ve missed out). Who in the Nokia community represents us? Who is our Nokia Community Ambassador?
Nokia FTW! Go vote troops!
Whilst you’re in a voting mood, go check out Gizmodo’s Gadget of the year and vote for Nokia there. We’ve been pitched against the Nintendo 3DS.

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