Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Dream Nokia #38: Another look at a beautiful Lumia/N9 style Windows 8 ARM tablet #concept

Nokia are known to be coming up with their Windows 8 tablet this year. This isn’t their first tablet of course, but the first one geared for masses of consumers.
Tweeted by trossavel and camb078 this is the work on credited as Jonas Daehnert.
It’s pretty hard for me not to like it. I’m not a fan of bezels at all, but Nokia scored with the N9 design. The bezels here are thicker than the first tablet we saw.  You’ll note the design at the back keeps the same iconic N9/Lumia 800 metal strip. No flash it seems.
There’s some other stunning phone concepts too. A twist on the Lumia
Another tablet here though not as striking as the N9 tablet like things above.

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